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Thursday, May 26, 2011

so his butt print was on your windsheild?

I went to a happy little highschool called Nashville School for the Arts. Even though they probubly wouldnt like me to admit it i went there and loved it. There are so many memories from that place its crazy, so here is just one or maybe a hundred.... screw it ill just put some of my most fondest memorise of that place.......

1. Stealing door knobs - yes i did it it was an old school and youo could just jerk the knobs off (thats what she said)

2.Going to Prom with Shoup - it wasnt going to prom with her that was fun it was meeting the people i might not have ever talked to at NSA if i hadnt gone
with her. Weird thing is my cousin married her cousin.......

3. Mrs. Tutt - Even though we didnt get along my senior year she was still a
great teacher and tried to keep me in line, me and mike still
laugh at the last thing i ever told her..."You are really making
me angry" you had to be there, it was sad

4. The People - no not all the students there just the ones lucky enough to be
apart of a group called the people. Mostly Mr. Woodal's class

5. Scene design and construction - Im pretty sure we were the best class at that, but at the same
time we were the worst about listing to anything mrs. Tutt
Said. We were constantly cracking joke walking off or if
you were Terence you were hiding in the curtain. I mean
that is literally the class where Marcus got the nick name
"Moon Pie" mostly because he mooned everyone
in the class......seriously

6 Donnie Crenshaw - If you went or ever had Mr. Donnie Crenshaw then i dont need say a thing, he is the craziest smartest most dangerous
teacher i have ever had......man he was awesome....

7. Dances for no reason - D.J. Bell and his laser table......oh and he did steal somebodies
portable CD player

8.Senior Prom - I took Jole Lenard instead of my girl friend.........seriously made
the right choice

9. The gym classes - only at NSA do you go from coach Wright to Mr Mallack ( i think
that was his name) to teachers with two totally different
thoughts on kids. I mean im pretty sure Mallack was living in
boys locker room.......seriously

10. The time i peed for Scott - as i look back at this it was dumb for me to do but he was in a
tough spot and he was my friend and i wanted to help
long story short he needed my pee for a drung test so he
wouldnt get in trouble and it was a game of cat and mouse
were me and him were carrying around a bottle of my pee
most of the day, i would do it again if need be for real, but
wewe are both in a place where we can laugh at this now...
it was high school so im sure some of my memory is
a little more dramatized than the actual event but its still

11. Marcus hit the dumpster - Imagine sitting down in your car waiting for school to start
when you friend in his car which he called the "blue lagoon"
comes flying down the hill in which goes into the parking lot
and literaly feet away from the dumpster hits his breaks
and skids all the way to the dumpster and hits it going
probably 7-2 mph then puts his car into reverse and parks
right beside you gets out like nothing happen and says
"hey"........marcus does that.....

12. jole takes a dance class - jole had to take a dance class his senior year, normaly it
wouldnt be weird for a male to do this but it was Jole and
it was funny.......really funny

13.  In all honesty I got high a lot there, I look back and probably shouldn't of gotten that high as much as I did, but I did and it was my choice ha

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