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I'm cooler than your mom!

Saturday, October 31, 2009

Yea im sorry i punched your granny.

I know i know its been to long sinece ive done this and i know im suppose to have huge birthday week special but to be honest i dont remember much and we will just leave it at that. The one thing that i did do that was awesome that i did was i played spades with Mike Rich and Rehab and thats what i really wanted to do it was honestly one of the best birthdays ever thanks, so i know why your here you want a story so here you go. There arnt to many times in my life where im at a loss for words i take that back its pretty much why i started this blog in the first place.

Back in high school i would do what any normal high school kid would do on friday nights i would go to games and hang out and have fun and go out after words. Well during the game me and my friends rick and brando would get board and play a game. well it wasnt really a game i was more me acting blind and them going up to people and introducing them to me. I know im a bad person what can i say it helped the time go by. People were always super nice to me, I mean if i was really blind i would of never felt offended. i even think some one bought me a hot dog and a coke one time, and there might of been some pictures. Yes we did tell some people i wasnt that was aways funny but some people we just left hannging out in lala land it was great. So after about a football season of this it got back to my mpother that i was acting blind at football games. See i didnt go to school there i went to church with people that went there so it eventually got back to her. She didnt get mad or anyhting she just said "so your blind huh?" in passing one day she thought it was funny but let me know that it might not be that funny to blind people. And true it wasnt but at the time it was funny as hell to me so we did it a couple of more times even did it a some tennis matches. It all kinda stopped when brando introduced me to a girl and i accedntly stuck my fingure up her nose she kinda got freaked out so it was funny.


There comes a time in most guys life where they construct a list. you might ask yourself what does this list consist of. Well it is a list of who they have had relations with, and this is the subject of to days blog. You see a friend of mine had his list found by his girlfriend of some time. Now I'm not going to say any names because i don't want to burn any bridges but this subject got me thinking and i got some of the people at work talking about it and here is my thoughts on this subject.

Yes the list is stupid i agree, but it is done not to brag, OK maybe a little, it is to put into perspective what we have done. The people I talked to said that they remembered who in there head, well that's good and all but it doesn't seem that big of a deal until its on a piece of paper in front of you. There doesn't have to always be a grading system or a ranking system or a how many times system its a list, who ever made the list makes up there own rules. The reason why the list is hidden for the girls is because you would look to deep into it. Now I understand that i am dancing on a ledge here, but its true. When i try to explain this stupid act to some of the women at work they would ask question that really didn't matter like, Why? well i don't know why guys just do, then the normal reply well that's just dumb, but Why?. They think its the dumbest thing in the world but they wanna know why really freaking bad. They they wanna know if there is some kind of special secret ranking system, and to be honest not always every list and how its made is up to the person who made it, and trust me there are some girls out there who make lists. Then they ask why again like i forgot to say something 5 min ago and i reply the same, i don't know we just do. then comes the good ol' "Well do you right the name down how many time or do you just make tally marks beside the names?" Its up to who ever makes the list just to let you know almost every question i was asked by the ladies at my work was answered with "Its up to whoever made the list!" This proves that some not all, but the great majority of the women out there would look into this way to much than it needs to be. I'm sorry make fun of me, hit me, call me awful names, but its the truth. All it is, is a list it doesn't mean anything. Yes it is dumb, and no it doesn't make any since, but does anything guys do make any since to women? Not to you but it does to us. Just so you know the list does disappear eventually. Why? I don't know its up to the person who made the list! So don't ask me.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

The Always Sunny In Philidelphia Drinking Game!

The Always Sunny In Philidelphia Drinking Game!

  1. If the name "Charle" is said you take a drink.

  2. If the name "Dee" is said you take a drink.

  3. If the word "bitch" is said in any form you take a drink.
4. If Dennis says "Bad Ass" you take a drink
5. If you have any drink left by the end of the show you finish it.

Enjoy the Show and the mayhem

This is a lot of fun, a whooooooooooooooooooole lot of fun.

Friday, October 2, 2009

I pooted on your pillow, i hope you get pink eye.

So my birthday is 3 days away and i plan on doing a special "super fantastic explosive edition" of Because poop smells like shit, that's the name of my blog for those that didn't pay attention, in this edition there will be over 83 hours of my life photographed and or written about. It will be fantastic and yes kinda sad. We will grow together as you read it so get ready for an all new train wreck of fun, silliness, and sorrow i call life. thanks again and keep doing what ever it is you do to get paid or for fun in between reading my blog Oh and go see Zombie land it fuckin rocks.