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I'm cooler than your mom!

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Yea so i messed up.

Aperently i took the follow my blog button off my blog so i replaced it and now its back up so if you would like to follow my blog because your on blogger now you can, but you can also subcribe to it with the orange button thingy. thank you for reading and keep reading!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I cant tell you when the last time i talked to a girl, woman, or what ever you call it and took the conversation seriously. I have no idea what its about me lately but I just don't care about there feelings or what they are saying. Ill call if i want to and i don't want to talk i just let it ring or in my case i got tired of my ringer and switched to vibrate. Nothing against them its just they are on my nerves. Also my approach to girls mimics that of a 7 year old on the play ground, What I'm trying to say here is that if i think a girl is cute i tend to make fun of them. Why i have no idea but it works about 2% of the time and its a sure fire way to find what i like to call "the crazies" they are nice i don't want to sound mean or anything, but they crazy. I talked about this with the nard dog and he spent 45 min trying to convince me I was gay witch funny yes but far from the truth. I guess this is just proof that i haven't matured as much as i thought i have in the past couple of years hmm and maybe i just don't want a relationship and I'm yet again doing this to myself just to see how i would handle this, well that's it I'm going to go play with my G.I. Joe's now later.

Thursday, August 20, 2009

I was never picked last in kickball.

I have always thought stereo types were funny and I don't tend to abide by any maybe some that don't fit who i am but they are silly. Whats even funner is when something happens to you that is so stereo typical that I don't wanna think its real. Like the time i was arrested at a Lynard Skynard concert for drinking.

It was the summer I was going into my Junior year of high school and we had tickets to see , don't judge me, Travis Tritt and Lynard Skynard. I figured I should go because I was a white boy in the south and its our birth right to see them at least once i don't know why but then again i don't make the rules. Its an awesome day the sun is shining bright, and one of the guys we are with found a 21 bracelet, its the thing you get I.D.ed for so you can drink. They ask me if i wanted a beer and you know what I didn't, yes i actually passed on a beer. They come back and travis tritt is squaking bout some bs and we are just hanging out having fun, when one of my friends has to go to the bathroom and asks me to hold his beer. I don't think anything of it, so when he comes back and security is with him because the stopped to get a couple more and the security decided to do there jobs and ask questions I'm now holding a beer that im not drinking in front of the man. now we are marched to the back to the police substation, with the theme music of travis tritt, how fitting. We get to the back and we get a chance to call our parents to pick us up, sure enough i cant get ahold of mine so now they are taking about if i don't get ahold of anyone then I'm going to jail, great i would say something smart but its not security guards any more its the police and I'm like 15 so im scared.
I finally get someone and i cant believe that i got this person but they bailed my ass out big time. I had my grandmother come get me. Well she can't drive at night so she had my uncle drive her and they came and got me. This was punishment enough i thought being walked out by your grandmother. To top things off when we are driving home my uncle gets pulled over because the officer saw us leave the concert and thought he might of been drinking. When I got home I got it from my mom really bad, but what you have to understand is my mother is the master of evil punishments it all worked out I was alive.

Monday, August 17, 2009

So Ive been Sick for three days.

Ive have been sick for three days and I'm just now starting to feel a little normal, an i have found out some new things about myself

- Its possible to watch every season of the office in under a day
- season two is and always will be my favorite
- you can live off of diet mountain dew for three days, not recommended but you can
- grilled cheese sandwiches made by my mother are still the best thing in the world and nothing will change that
- i have gotten more sleep than i have ever gotten and it still doesn't make me feel any better
-night Quill is amazing
- sometimes toast with nothing on it is exactly what it is, cardboard
-finally ate normal food, waffles with syrup kinda tasted weird with diet mountain dew
- strange enough id rather be at work
- when you start to hallucinate its time to take a nap
-with a soar throat gargling salt water is never fun but is necessary
- being sick comfortable is not a word its more like manageable

Thursday, August 13, 2009

how am i suppose to look you in the eye when you have a booger hanging out of your nose.

Being a preschool teacher, as i said before, will always be the best job I've ever had, also the best birth control ever. During nap time there is really much for a teacher to do, so that when you would put a lot of the art work up of do some of you paper work. Me what would i do, I would cut facial hair out of construction paper and when the kids would wake up i would put it on them. So just imagine a room with ah 15 kids give or take a few with beards goatees and mustaches. Yea we would be having a blast eating snack hanging out. This all started when a kid shaved his eyebrows off and i felt bad so i made him some and it just kept going.

Monday, August 10, 2009

Well if it isn't Mr. Fartbagt!

There have been a lot of stories that I have herd why me and my ex broke up. I guess its just what happens when peoples minds wonder. Its has always been funny to me to hear about how i cheated or she cheated or someone got pregnate when none of that is true. But the last thing I herd was baffling to me on how in the hell it could be true. Let me get this clear before i go any further i have never or will never (pending hard evedence) belive anything that is told to be. So with that out of the way i was told that we split up because I was leading a double life. When hearing this I quickly broke into laughter then craped my pants. After doing this I got to thinking what if i had a double life what would i be? Maybe I was a secret agent flying around to diffrent countries killing people. Or maybe my other life i was a drug lord and i just used every thing i did during the day as a front. Ah what about a stripper i know plenty of women folk who would like to put dollars in my undies. Could i have a whole nother family i dunno. What if i was a prince of a forgein country yea that sounds good. lol sadly i am not any of these im just a ruglar guy, but its still funny how peoples minds wonder. I just sit back relax and let the dumb people do dumb stuff for me, so i have something to write about. Well either that or i go out with my friends and I do something creative. lol

Monday, August 3, 2009

I told my mom no pickles, GOSH!

So there are a lot of thing I'm not proud of, the night i stole Christmas was not one of the things im not proud of. This was truly a night i will tell everyone i meet, it just to damn funny.

I met some guys at a friends house and we all decide to ride to another friends house where more people were hanging out at. So i catch a ride with Tid and Chase (two funny funny people) We get to this guys house and it this first time Ive been here and everyone is hanging out in the basement. we walk in and dang this is pretty cool big screen TV and a PS two (yea it was that long ago that a PS two was cool) we goofed off and played games cracked jokes. Until this guy names Pace challenges me to a game of chess. Now if you know me the is one thing for sure I'm not the sharpest knife in the kitchen, so why in the hell would i play chess. Because Pace get on my nerves an he i just as dumb as me so game on bitches. Watching us play at first is Tid and chase, we all start drinking from the antique coke machine that they had. By the end of the second game everyone is watching us and all the coke is out of the machine. Three people drank every coke in the machine. Needless to say the owner was not to pleased at all. So the party breaks up and everyone goes there separate ways except for me, chase, and Tid. Its December and where we are there are a lot of decorations out in peoples yards. I holler at Tid to pull over he think i got to pee or something but no i take off running and i take all the candy canes in the yard and run back to the car and i fall trying to run up a hill, let the fun begin, i think it was like 5 or 6. I get back to the car and everyone is getty with joy and we are laughing really hard. We don't get two blocks when chase says stop the car and Tid does and he shoots out of the car and snatches up half the damn yard. I was amazed but chase did play football and could run like a deer. He get back to the car with at least 10 or fifteen different things. I was topped and i couldn't let this happen. We go maybe two houses down and i yell stop Tid does and the yard is full of crap except and all three of us get out and grab all we can by the end of this at least 10 - 15 yard are missing their decorations, and they are in Tid's car. I know what your asking yourself why would i do such a thing and what the hell did you do with all the decorations? Well had all had about 20 cokes each in like a hour period so we where jacked up and mix it with adrenaline and we were turbo jacked, and the best part about it all was was put in my friend Dug parent's yard. It was amazing the sight of the what was 10 - 15 yards worth of Christmas decorations. Yes i stole Christmas and it was fun. Wait that sounds really bad.

Yea i just rubbed that, all over my face.*

Some of my stories happen at a happy little place called Three Crow Bar and for good reason. Its a good place to hang out with people. Plus two for one Wed & Sun is good enuff for me to stop by and say hi. Well one particular night with my friend ben we had an espicially fun evening.

We get there and we find a table and leap on it as fast as possible, I think i even elbowed a nin to get to my table. So we are hangin out having a blast playing cheesey ass songs on the Jukebox. It was a wicked good time. Then all of a sudden this hot girl comes to our table and starts chatting us up. Now this is not the norm for three crow, not because im not attractive, lets face it im hot, ok now we have that out of the way, she is really cool and fun to talk to i make her laugh ben makes her laugh she makes us laugh then all of a sundden she looks at a table behind her and ill be damned if its not full of at least 6 other fine girls. At this point i take a mental not as to what i have one, what i did that day and how i did it, because obviously what ever i did it worked ( side note i copied eveything i did that day one time and went to three crow on a 2 4 1 night and it did not work at all) they all come over and i ask them what they do for a living, you know just making convo, & being the nice guy i am. When all of them say what they do. Ladies and gents im not lieing to you when i write this, this is really what they do. a libraryan, a firewoman, a teacher, a doctor, a vetinarian, a dentist. Me and ben look at each other wow they are girls and have real jobs this is to crazy. They ask me and ben and we tell them they giggle not because our jobs suck but because we both have funny stories that go with our jobs. We get a round of shots and befor we take them something hits me. I lean over to be and say this. " you do realize the last time we hang out with these girls was when we were four and the were in a childrens book." ben looks at me then at them and says "yea but im 26 and they are fine and they are real now" Needless too say we didnt hook up with any of them, sad i know, but it was funny. They were cool, we were nice so it was a good time. We see the girls out randomly but never as a group, till this day we never see them out as a group and its usually just one of the never together. Side story when we first started talking to them one of the girls said this to ben "you sir are a thug" ben "what?, how the hell am i thug" girl " you sir are put together well and smell good" ben "then i guess i am a thug" Seth " and i smell like shit"

* - still working on this

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Looking back, a year later.

Wow I have been writing this blog for a year now and it seems like i have just been getting started. I started this blog when i was in a really bad spot in my life and was planning on using this as a way to put how i was feeling out there. what it ended up being is an outlet for me not to be sad and sappy but a way for me to show people something about myself that they might not normally know. Like how insist on putting myself in difficult situations just to see how i deal with them, and so you have something to read lol. To look at where i was a year ago when this began to where i am at now is truly amazing to me, what a lot of people don't realize is that when i wrote my first blog about the family photo ( if you haven't read it you need to its really kind of funny now) is that, that was one of the hardest thing i have ever had to do is write about something that was making my life horrible and make it fun to read for everyone else. But its what helped me turn everything around and it did so in such a positive way. I don't know who reads this, it could be 2, 20, 200, 2000, 200000. It doesn't matter i know people read this and i thank you for doing that. I'd also like to thank my friend Tyler, he is pretty much the reason why i started this. Dee and Mackenzie for reminding me that i have a blog more than once. This next year has a lot going for and don't worry there will be plenty more things going on, and don't worry I'm sure there will be plenty more things to write about. So thanks if you read this and feel free to tell your friends and family, fell free to write and tell me how I'm doing and if you want to participate in a mad lib email me at sethcarterhasanemail@gmail.com. Later