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I'm cooler than your mom!

Monday, March 22, 2010

El Pollo Loco

during my time off of the blog it gave me time to really think about where i have been and the journeys i have taken. OK to be honest it made me look back and be amazes that I'm still alive and able to breath normal, i wasn't the smartest kid alive.

from crashing remote control plans with my dad to putting my head threw a wall Ive been threw a lot of crazy stuff, but the time i flipped my car had to be the craziest. Yes i flipped my car going into what i think was the summer i was going into my Jr year of high school. I was driving down brush hill road and i guess i got to close to the side of the road and the next thing you know i was upside-down perfectly in my lane. that was the weird part it was as if someone picked my car up flipped it over and lay it perfectly in my lane, weird. there isn't much to think about when you upside down in a car about the only two things i though about were "damn this sucks" and " i think i need to get out of here". I wasn't in a very big hurry to get out, i wasn't hurt at all, i just was in no big hurry to deal with a car being flipped over, that's a lot for a high school to deal with. i was mostly worried about girls at this time and now i have a car that is flipped over oh great. so i UN buckle myself from the seat and yes i hung upside-down for around 5 min and yes its exactly what you think its like except maybe my heart was pounding a little harder than normal. so I'm on all fours on the roof on my car crawling out of the drivers side window. I get up from the road and start walking to the closes house and i get half way to the house and this lady comes screaming out of the house lay down omg are you ok lay down lay down. I mean I'm not going to argue with any one especially after this and knowing how lazy i am so i stop in her yard and lay down, she asks if i need anything i tell her water would be nice and bam i get some water, pretty sweet. so they call the ambulance and the whole time I'm thinking damn my parents are going to shit a whole cow when they hear about this. now the ambulance shows up and this is where the fun happens they come running over and wanting to check everything about me but the realize I'm OK after 10 min of poking me with shit then the say the have to take me in to make sure I'm OK then i politely ask what the hell was the ten min oh poking for if i have to go in they tell me i have to go in because i flipped my car if a hadn't of flipped it i wouldn't have to go in, just my luck. so the decide they are going to strap me to the board and lift me up and put me on the stretcher, now if you are reading this and you have met me before you realize that I'm a pretty big dude, given i know they lift people all the time and sometime twice my size but still it was just two on them and me laying on the board strapped to it, needless to say they couldn't get me on the stretcher so we come up with a game plan where they put the board on the stretcher and i lay on it and they strap me in and that seemed to work just fine. the ride there was ridiculous the guy hit every bump in the road and was going 5000000 miles per hour while he was doing it. i got to the hospital and everything was OK my mom met me there she was freaked out. given if i pulled up and my kids car was upside down i would freak to. but all is well i can drive a little better and a lot safer.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Oh I'm back and yes i brought friends, and stories!

Hello blog friends hope all is well i took a bit of a break from everything to somethings and give the ol noggin a rest, but like the great Michale Jordan, I'm back and have lots to tell about a lot of many things that are funny sad and just not right and probably shouldn't be allowed in the us any more. well ladies and germs i can honestly say its good to be back and i cant wait to hear from all my friends in blog world and yes if you would like to participate in a mad lib for my blog e-mail me at sethcarterhasablog@gmail.com. Love Peace and hair grease later all and have a wonderful day!!!!!