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I'm cooler than your mom!

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Wel that was uncalled for.

Now i wouldn't say I'm a raging alcoholic or anything like that. I am actually proud of myself on the fact that i have slowed my drinking down as much as i have. I used to be really bad. So know here is a look back at one of the dumbest things i have ever said while well you know.

Back in the day i used to frequent a bar called Mulligan's. Its a great place good drinks good music just a nice atmosphere. Well i was there with a group of people that i don't really talk to any more so i don't really feel bad about saying what i said. i was there hanging out doing what i do and just being my stupid self. Drinking my beer and having the occasional Irish car bomb. Witch is a glass of Guinness and a shot of baileys Irish cream mixed with whiskey. It calls for a wicked good time. Well this particular night i was enjoying my time there to say the least. Now there isn't much i can do very well, I can make people laugh, I can ship dental suppllies, and i can drink really really fast. Its almost ridiculous how fast i can drink. I'm not proud of it, but ill run with it. So that night the people i was with were talking about a friend they had was faster than me and she paid her was threw college out drinking guys twice my size and bla bla bla. Well the more the night went on the more they kept talking and the more they got on my nerves. So finally a pound my last beer down and they say some smart comment and I ask them well where is she them they proceed to tell me how she died three years ago and other stuff i forget and how she would drink faster than me and made me look like a bitch. When there are done i look at both of them and say this. ** Warning this is really dumb and don't for get the state of mind I'm in** I say " well go dig the bitch up and tell her lets go". Yes that exactly word for word what i told the without a flinch. I'm not proud by any means for what i said but after that they left me alone. It might of been for that or for some other stuff i called them out on. all i know is thank god i slowed down.

Friday, January 23, 2009

King of the appla.

When someone looks you in the eye and says "you know in retrospect my hindsight is 20-20" You look them in the eye and say "flabgabba goob" and stab them in the head with a pencil.Or at least thats what i wanted to do. Why say flabgabba goob because that makes and much since as what they said.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Family Photo.

Today i was sitting in my class waiting for it to start, and while i was i was listing to a pod cast from the moth. For those of you who don't know what the moth is look it up i wont tell you themoth.org its awesome and you should check it out i love it. i was listing to this guy tell a story about his last family photo. It got me thinking about mine.

Not that long ago, I think it was my sisters idea, we took a family photo with my moms side and my dad side of the family. it was a big deal since we were all getting older and about to start our own families. Well at the time i believe i was in the third or almost the third year in a relationship to a girl who would later become my fiance, and at my mother request she was asked to be in the photo. Well fast forward a little and it didn't work out. I'm not getting into that its a whole other blog. So now there are two family photo with an extra person whom i don't like at all and its safe to say that my family doesn't either. What really bothers me about this is its the last family pictures i have with my grandfathers. It sucks ass. So i just put post-it notes over her face. I guess the message i have here is go to every family gathering you never know when they are going to take a group shot and in family photos make sure all the right people are in there so you wont have a house full of post-it notes.

Don't forget to check out themoth.org

Monday, January 19, 2009

How to remain clam in a burning building.

The summer of 2002 I was visiting my friend Elliot in the boro. it was me, Tid, Aron, i think Greene and chase and some other people. I just can't remember them. We were hanging out doin stupid stuff as we would usually do, when the most outrageous offer ever presented itself to us. Elliot's neighbor walked over with a keg in his hand and said "hey you guys want this, yall can have the beer we just need the keg back and we don't have a pump" he had a party the night before and it was what was left over it was about half full. So of course we took it. Now this is where the challenge presented itself to use. How do we get the beer out? We tryed many different things so many i don't remember all of the but i do remember what worked. What we would do is first shake the keg then take the bottom half of a funnel that we had cut off and shove it in the neck of the keg cosing the beer to spray out, and it would spray all over the place. We collected the beer in a gallon milk jug with the top cut off then we would pour it into a pitcher and place it in the fridge. we did this until all the beer was gone, and yes i was the guy that shook the keg and the guy that would shove the nossel in the neck to get the beer out. If you don't believe me Tid has a video of me doing this with my shirt off. Not most outstanding moment, but it was funny as hell.

Yes I shot the Dog.

A lot of dumb shit happens to me in my life. So much so its not believable at all. So I have decided to catalog all the dumb, silly, stupid, and down right awesome things that happens to me, my friends, and family in this blog. I will not use real names so my friends and family will be safe from any harassment that may come there way because of this blog. So thank you fro reading and enjoy the car wreck that has become my life.