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I'm cooler than your mom!

Saturday, August 22, 2009


I cant tell you when the last time i talked to a girl, woman, or what ever you call it and took the conversation seriously. I have no idea what its about me lately but I just don't care about there feelings or what they are saying. Ill call if i want to and i don't want to talk i just let it ring or in my case i got tired of my ringer and switched to vibrate. Nothing against them its just they are on my nerves. Also my approach to girls mimics that of a 7 year old on the play ground, What I'm trying to say here is that if i think a girl is cute i tend to make fun of them. Why i have no idea but it works about 2% of the time and its a sure fire way to find what i like to call "the crazies" they are nice i don't want to sound mean or anything, but they crazy. I talked about this with the nard dog and he spent 45 min trying to convince me I was gay witch funny yes but far from the truth. I guess this is just proof that i haven't matured as much as i thought i have in the past couple of years hmm and maybe i just don't want a relationship and I'm yet again doing this to myself just to see how i would handle this, well that's it I'm going to go play with my G.I. Joe's now later.


  1. Do you have the same problem I have where someone will call you and if you don't answer they call back again and again? That just drives me crazy and makes me put the cell on vibrate.

  2. Lol..

    That makes 2 of us.

    I have no interest what so ever to start dating again. Which sucks because I've met some really nice guys lately... just can't seem to bring myself to be interested in the least bit for them.

    Guess i have my a-hole ex-boyfriend to blame for that!

  3. yes i do the the same thing so i never know when important people call lol but its cool life goes on.
